Text books
- Rajiv Asthana, Ashok Kumar, and Narendra Dahotre, “Materials Science in Manufacturing” Butterworth-Heinemann, Elsevier (ISBN 13-978-0-7506-7716-5 and ISBN 10-0-7506-7716-3) (2006)
- Sam Zhang, Lin Li, and Ashok Kumar, “Materials Characterization Techniques” CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press (ISBN: 978-1-4200-4294-8) (2008)
Scholarly Edited Books
- Ashok Kumar, Yip-Wah Chung, and Ray W. J. Chia Hard Coatings Based on Borides, Carbides and Nitrides: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications, (ISBN # 0-87339-389-9), The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, Warrendale, PA (1998)
- Ashok Kumar, Yip-Wah Chung, John Moore, and John Smugeresky, TMS, (1999), Surface Engineering: Science and Technology I, (ISBN # 0-87339-427-5) The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, Warrendale, PA (1999)
- Wen Jin Meng, Ashok Kumar, Gary L. Doll, Yang-Tse Cheng, Stan Veprek, and Yip-Wah Chung, Surface Engineering 2001- Fundamentals and Applications, MRS Symposium Proceedings, Volume 697, (ISBN # 1-55899-633-8)), Materials Research Society, Warrendale, PA (2001)
- Ashok Kumar, Yip-Wah Chung, John Moore, D. S. Misra, and K. Yatsui, “Surface Engineering: Science and Technology II, (ISBN # 0-87339-521-2) The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, Warrendale, PA (2002)
- Ashok Kumar, Wen Jin Meng, Yang-Tse Cheng, J. Zabinski, Gary L. Doll, and Stan Veprek (Editors), “ Surface Engineering 2002 – Synthesis, Characterization and Applications, Volume 750, (ISBN # 1-55899-687-7), Materials Research Society, Warrendale, PA (2002)
- Ashok Kumar, Jeffrey A. Lee, Ingrid Vos, Yaw Obeng, and Earl C. Johns, “Chemical-Mechanical Planarization – Integration, Technology and Reliability, Materials Research Society, Volume 687, Warrendale, PA (2005)
- Ashok Kumar, C. Fred Higgs III, Chad S. Karach, and Subramanian Balakumar “Science and Technology of Chemical Mechanical Planarization, Volume 1157 (ISBN: 978-1-60511-130-8), Materials Research Society, Warrendale, PA (2010)
Book Chapters
- J. S. Kapat and Ashok Kumar “Chemical Vapor Deposition of Intermetallic and Ceramic Coatings” pp. 441-484, Edited by N. B. Dahotre and T. S. Sudarshan, Marcel Decker Inc., New York (1999)
- Arun K. Sikder and Ashok Kumar, “Superhard Coatings in C-B-N System: Growth and Characterization”, Vol. 2, Chap. 3, pp. 115-190, Handbook of Thin Films Materials, Edited by Prof. H. S. Nalwa, Academic Press (2001)
- Zhenqing Xu, and Ashok Kumar, “Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications of Nanocrystalline Diamond Films”, Nanocomposite Thin Film and Coatings, Editors: Sam Zhang and Nasar Ali, Imperial College Press, pp 207-279 (2007)
- Souheil Zekri, Rahul Singhal, Nick Baksh, and Ashok Kumar, “Electrospinning of
Micro and Nano Fibers for Biomedical Applications” Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, Editors: Waqar Ahmed, Nasar Ali, and Andreas Ochsner, pp 167-216, Trans Tech Publications Ltd. (2008)
- Zhenqing Xu, Sathyaharish Jeedigunta, and Ashok Kumar, “Nanocrystalline Diamond Films” Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, American Scientific Publishers (in-press)
- V. Renugopalkrishnan, A. M. Kannan, S. Srinivasan, V. Thavasi, S. Ramakrishna, P. Li, A. Mershin, S. Filipek, Ashok Kumar, J. Dutta, A. Jaya, L. Munukutta, S. Velumani, and G. F. Audette, “Nanomaterials for Energy Conversion Applications” Nanomaterials for Energy Storage Applications, Edited by Hari Singh Nalwa, ISBN: 1-58883-120-5, pp 1-24 (2008)
- J. Weber, W. G. Yelton, Ashok Kumar, "Electrodeposition of Bi(1-x) Sb(x) Nanowires as an Advanced Material for Thermoelectric Applications", Functionalized Nanoscale Materials, Devices, & Systems, Springer, NATO Science Series 423-426 (2008)
- S. Balachandran, T. Weller, Ashok Kumar, S. Jeedigunta, H. Gomez, J. Kusterer, and E. Kohn “ Nanocrystalline Diamond for RF-MEMS Applications” 277-300, Emerging Nanotechnologies for Manufacturing (Edited by Waqar Ahmed and Mark J. Jackson) Micro and Nano Technologies Series, Elsevier (ISBN No. 978-0-8155-1583-8) (2009)
- Michael Ulrich Niemann, S. Srinivasan, Kimberly McGrath, Ashok Kumar, D. Yogi Goswami, Elias K. Stefanakos “ Nanocrystalline Effects on the Reversible Hydrogen Storage Characteristics of Complex Hydrides” ‘Materials Innovations in an Emerging Hydrogen Economy’ Chapter 12, Series: Ceramic Transaction Series, Editors: George G. Wicks and Jack Simon (ISBN: 9780470408360), pp 111-117 (2009)
- Subbiah Alwarappan and Ashok Kumar, “Biomedical Applications of Carbon Based Materials” CRC Handbook of Biological and Biomedical Coatings (in-press)
- R. K. Joshi and Ashok Kumar, “Gas Sensors Composed of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles and Films” Hand Book on Science and Commercialization of Nanoparticles (in-press)
Review Journal Papers
- Parshuram B. Zantye, Ashok Kumar, A. K. Sikder, “Chemical Mechanical Planarization for Microelectronics Applications” Materials Science and Engineering R, Vol. 45/3-6, pp 89-220 (2004) (Impact Factor: 17.73), This article was listed in TOP 25 articles in all Materials Science journals published by Elsevier Science, 2005.
- J. Weber, R. Singhal, S. Zekri, Ashok Kumar, "One Dimensional Nanostructures: Fabrication, Characterization and Applications ", International Materials Review: 53 235-255 (2008)
- Michael Niemann, Michael Jurczyk, Sesha Srinivasan, Ashok Kumar, A. Phani, Yogi Goswami, and Elias K Stefanakos, “Nanomaterials for Hydrogen Storage Applications: A Review” Journal of Nanomaterials, Volume 2008, Article ID 950967, 9 pages (2008)
Refereed Journal Publications
- A. M. Gokhale and Ashok Kumar "Analysis of Particle Coarsening in Al-Pb Alloy" Transaction of Indian Institute of Metal, Volume 42, No.4, 401-404 (1989)
- L. Ganapathi, Ashok Kumar and J. Narayan "Properties of YBa2Cu3O7-d Composites Superconductors" Journal Applied Physics. 66, 5935-5939 (1989)
- L. Ganapathi, J. Narayan and Ashok Kumar "Variation of Tco in the 110 K Superconductor Bi1.5Pb0.5Ca2Sr2Cu3Ox" Applied Physics Letters, 55 1460-1462 (1989)
- Ashok Kumar, L. Ganapathi and J. Narayan "In-situ Processing of Textured Superconducting Thin Films of Bi-(Pb)-Ca-Sr-Cu-Ox by excimer laser ablation" Applied Physics Letters, 56, 2034-2036 (1990)
- Ashok Kumar, L. Ganapathi, S. M. Kanetkar and J. Narayan "Synthesis of Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-d Thin Films on Nickel Based Superalloy Using in-situ Pulsed Laser Ablation" Applied Physics Letters, 57, 2594-2596 (1990)
- Ashok Kumar, L. Ganapathi, S. M. Kanetkar and J. Narayan "Single Chamber in-situ Processing of Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-d Thin Films on Stainless Steel with Yttria-stabilized Zirconia Buffer Layer" Journal of Applied Physics, 69, 2410-241 (1991)
- Ashok Kumar and J. Narayan "Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-d Thin Films on Si (100) Substrates with CoSi2 Buffer Layer by in-situ Pulsed Laser Evaporation Method" Applied Physics Letters, 59, 1785-1787 (1991)
- Ashok Kumar, J. Narayan and X. Chen "Enhancement in Critical Current Density of YBa2Cu3O7-d Thin Films on Hastelloy with TiN Buffer Layers" Applied Physics Letters, 61, 976-978 (1992)
- L. Ganapathi, Ashok Kumar and J. Narayan "Characterization of High-Tc LaxY1-xBa2Cu3O7-d Superconductors", Physica C, 167, 669-676 (1990)
- L. Ganapathi, Ashok Kumar and J. Narayan "In-situ Processing of LaBa2Cu3O7-d Thin Films by Laser Ablation Method" Physica C, 168, 599-604 (1990)
- Ashok Kumar and J. Narayan "Laser Deposition of YBa2Cu3O7-d Thin Films on Flexible Metallic Substrates with TiN Buffer Layers" Superconductor Science and Technology, Vol. 6, 662-669 (1993)
- S. Permanick, Ashok Kumar and J. Narayan "Optical Emission during Layered Growth of PrBCO/YBCO High-Tc Superconducting Thin Film by Pulsed Laser Evaporation "Japanese Journal of Applied Physics” part 2, vol. 12, 2349-2351, October (1993)
- R. N. Soni, S. Sathaiah, H. C. Joshi, H. D. Bist, G. S. Raghuvanshi, Ashok Kumar and J. Narayan “Micro-Raman Study of Laser Ablated Thin Films Deposited on Inconnel with a TiN Buffer Layer” J. of Raman Spectroscopy, Vol. 25, 275-280 (1994)
- Ashok Kumar, J. Narayan and Bijoy Patnaik "Trilayered Heterostructures in-situ Laser Deposited High Temperature Superconductors" Physica C, 209 421-427 (1993)
- N. Shu, Ashok Kumar, M. R. Alam, H. L. Chan and Q. You “Study of Dielectrical Properties of Laser Processed BaTiO3 Thin Films on Si (100) with TiN Buffer Layers” Applied Surface Science, 109/110, 366-370 (1997)
- M. R. Alam, Ashok Kumar, N. Shu, H. L. Chan, and Q. You, “Preparation of TiNi Ferroelastic-Ferroelectric Thin Film Heterostructures” Applied Surface Science, 109/110, 393-398 (1997)
- H. L. Chan, U. Ekanayake, Ashok Kumar, M. R. Alam, Q. You, R. B. Inturi, N. Shu and J. A. Barnard “Nanoindentation Studies of Hard Coatings Prepared by Laser Ablation” Applied Surface Science, 109/110, 58-61 (1997)
- Ashok Kumar, H. L. Chan and N. B. Dahotre “Structural and Hardness Studies of CNx/TiN Composite Coatings on Si (100) Substrates by Pulsed Laser Deposition Method” Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 6 (5), 583-585, (1997)
- Ashok Kumar, H. L. Chan, U. Ekanayake, A. Weirzbicki, N. B. Dahotre and S. C. Sikes “Laser Ablation Synthesis and Characterization of Carbide and Nitride Coatings” Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 8 (5), 577-582, (1997)
- M. R. Alam, Ashok Kumar, A. Mangiaracina and M. Shamsuzzoha “Synthesis of the PZT Films Deposited on Pt-coated (100) Si Substrates for Nonvolatile Memory Applications” J. of Electronic Materials, Vol. 28, No. 10, 1331-1334 (1997)
- Ashok Kumar, Q. You, A. Mangiaracina, J. S. Kapat, S. A. Catledge and Y. Vohra “Evaluation of Barrier Layer for HFCVD Diamond Films on Silicon Substrates” Thin Solid Films, vol. 308-309, 209-214 (1997)
- H. L. Chan, Ashok Kumar, L. Sanderson and J. J. Weimer “Structural Characterization of AlN Thin Films on Semiconductor Substrates by Laser Ablation Method,” Thin Solid Films, vol. 308-309, 406-409(1997)
- Ashok Kumar, H. L. Chan and Y. Vohra “Characterization of Pulsed Laser Deposited Diamond-like Carbon Films” Surface Coatings & Technology, 102, 113-118 (1998)
- Z. Wei, J. S. Kapat and Ashok Kumar “Role of Kinetics in Laser Processing” Applied Surface Science, vol. 127-129, 212-217 (1998)
- Ashok Kumar, H. L. Chan and J. S. Kapat “Deposition and Characterization of Titanium Carbide Thin Films” Applied Surface Science , Vol. 127-129, 549-552 (1998)
- Ashok Kumar, I. Hussain, A. Mangiaracina, S. C. Perlaky and C. C. McCombs “Design and Implementation of a Piezoelectric Biosensors for Multifunctional Applications”, Integrated Design and Process Technology” IDPT-Vol . 1, 35- 41 (1998)
- Ashok Kumar, “Pulsed Laser Deposition of Superhard Nitride Coatings,” J of Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 14, No. 3, 397-411 (1999)
- R. Bahl, Ashok Kumar, M. Vedawyas, and D. Patel “Synthesis and Characterization of TiC and TiCN Coatings” Applied Physics A Materials Science & Processing, A 69, 643-646 (1999)
- Ashok Kumar, M. R. Alam, J. J. Weimer and L. Sanderson “Synthesis and Characterization of Laser Ablated TiNi Films” Applied Physics A, 69, 917-920 (1999)
- Ashok Kumar and M. Shamsuzzoha, “Effects of Pre-treated Substrates on the Growth Morphology of Diamond Films Prepared by the Hot Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition Method” New Diamond and Frontier Carbon Technology, Vol. 9, No. 6, 445-458 (1999)
- M. Vedawyas, G. Sivanathan, and Ashok Kumar, “Textured Polycrystalline Diamond Films on Cu Metal Substrates by Hot Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition”, Materials Science and Engineering, B78, 16-21, (2000)
- Ashok Kumar, I. Ahmed and M. Vedawyas “Growth of Diamond Films on Ti-6Al-4V Substrates and Determination of Residual Stresses using Raman Spectroscopy” J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 18 (5), 2486-2492 (Sep/Oct 2000)
- Ashok Kumar and N. M. Ravindra, “Developing Sensors for Multifunctional Applications, Journal of Metals, 14, October (2000)
- Ashok Kumar, “Biosensors Based on Piezoelectric Crystal Detectors: Theory and Applications” Journal of Metals, 52 (10) (2000)
- N. M. Ravindra and Ashok Kumar, “Advances in Microelectronic Processing, 42, Journal of Metals, June (2001)
- R. K. Sharma, Ashok Kumar, and J. M. Anthony, “Advanced High Dielectric Constant Gate Insulators”, Journal of Metals, 53-55, June (2001)
- 37. A. K. Sikder, Frank Giglio, John Wood, Ashok Kumar and J.M. Anthony “Optimization of Tribological Properties of Silicon Dioxide during the Chemical Mechanical Planarization Process”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 30, 1522-26 (2001)
- 38.A. K. Sikder, I.M. Irfan, Ashok Kumar and J.M. Anthony, “Nano-indentation Studies of Xerogel and SiLK Low-K Dielectric Materials”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 30, 1527-31 (2001)
- P. A. O. Muisener, L. Clayton, J. D’Angelo, J.P. Harmon, A. K. Sikder, Ashok Kumar, A.M. Cassell and Meyya Meyyappan, “The Effects of Gamma Radiation on Poly (methyl Methacrylate)/Single Wall Nanotube Composites”, Journal of Materials Research, 17 (10), 2507-2513 (2002)
- A. K. Sikder and Ashok Kumar, “Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Interlayer Coatings for Cu Damascene Process”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 31, 1016-1021 (2002)
- A. K. Sikder, Ashok Kumar, P. Shukla, P.B. Zantye and M. Sanganaria, “Effect of Multistep Annealing on the Mechanical and Surface Properties of Electroplated Cu Thin Films”, Journal of Electronic Materials, 32(10), 1028-33 (2003)
- Rajesh Ganesan, Tapas K. Das, Arun K. Sikder and Ashok Kumar, “Wavelet Based Identification of Delamination Defect in CMP (Cu-Low k) Using Non-stationary Acoustic Emission Signal”, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 16, 677-685 (2003)
- Swetha Thagella, A. K. Sikder,and Ashok Kumar, “Tribological Issues and Modeling of Removal Rate of Low-k Films in Chemical Mechanical Planarization, The Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 151, No. 3, G205-G215 (2004)
- A. K. Sikder, Swetha Thagella, Ashok Kumar, and Jiro Yota, “Effects of Growth Parameters and Properties of Doped and Undoped Silicon Oxide Films on Wear Behavior During Chemical Mechanical Planarization Process”, Journal of Material Research, Vol. 19, No. 4, 996 (2004)
- Zekri S, Clayton L, Ferguson E, Okogbaa G, Kumar Ashok, Das T, Centeno G, Martin-Vega L. “An Impact Study of the Implementation of a Materials Science and Engineering Module at the Fifth Grade Level”, Journal of Materials Education, Vol. 26 (3-4): 251-256 (2004)
- 46. LaNetra M. Clayton, Arun K. Sikder, Ashok Kumar, Alan M. Cassell, Martin Cinke, Meyya Meyyappan, and Julie P. Harmon, “Transparent PMMA/SWNT Composites Thin Films with Increased Dielectric Constant Prepared via Heat, UV and Ionizing ( gamma) Radiation using Ultrasonication and Dissolution”, Advanced Functional Materials, Vol. 15, No. 1, 101-106, 15 Jan (2005)
- Ashok Kumar and Sriraj G. Manavalan “Characterization of Barium Strontium Titanate Thin Film for Microwave and DRAM Applications” Surface Coatings and Technology, Vol. 198, pp 406-413 (2005)
- Arun Kumar, Graham Whitaker and Ashok Kumar, “Polyaniline Coated Carbon Electrode for Voltametric Detection of Lipase”, Biosensor and Bioelectronics, Vol. 21, 513-517 (2005)
- T. K. Das, R. Ganesan, A. K. Sikder, and Ashok Kumar, “Online End Point Detection in CMP Using SPRT of Wavelet Decomposed Sensor Data” IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Volume 18, No. 3, 440-447 (2005)
- Uttam C. Bandugula, L.M. Clayton, J.P. Harmon, and Ashok Kumar “In Situ Synthesis and Performance of Titanium Oxide/Poly(Methyl methacrylate) Nanocomposites", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 5(5) pp 814-819, (2005)
- S. Mudhivarthi, P. B. Zantye, Arun Kumar, Ashok Kumar, M. Beerbom and R. Schlaf, “Effect of Interfacial Temperature on Tribological, Electrochemical and Surface Properties of Cu during CMP Process”, Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 8, 9 G241-G245 (2005)
- P. Zantye, S. Mudhivarthi, Ashok Kumar and Y. Obeng, Metrology and Characterization of Application Specific Chemical Mechanical Polishing Pads, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, Vol. 23, No. 5, 1392-1399, Sept./Oct. (2005)

- Souheil Zekri, LaNetra M. Clayton, Ashok Kumar, Geoffrey Okogbaa, and Louis Martin-Vega, “Long Term Integration Plan for Nanotechnology and Materials Science into Fourth and Fifth Grade Science Curriculum” The Journal of Materials Education, Volume 27 (3-6), 217-222, (2005)
- Zhenqing, Ashok Kumar, Arun Kumar, “Amperometric Detection of Glucose Using a Modified Nitrogen-doped Nanocrystalline Diamond Electrode”, Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, Vol. 14, 416 (2005)
- Parshuram B. Zantye, Ashok Kumar, William Dallas, Sergei Ostapenko and Arun Sikder, Investigation of the Non-uniformities of Polyurethane Chemical Mechanical Planarization (CMP) Pads, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, B 24(1), 25-33, Jan/Feb (2006)
- Makoto Hirai, and Ashok Kumar, “Wavelength Tuning of Surface Plasmon Resonance by Annealing Silver-copper Nanoparticles” Journal of Applied Physics, 100, 014309 (2006)
- Sathyaharish Jeedigunta, Manoj K Singh, Ashok Kumar, Souheil Zekri “Structural and Optical Properties of Tin Oxide Branched Nanostructures” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Volume 6, 640-643 (4) (2006)
- S. Mudhivarthi, N. Gitis, S. Kuiry, M. Vinogradov, and Ashok Kumar, “Effects of Slurry Flow Rate and Pad Conditioning Temperature on Dishing, Erosion and Metal Loss During Copper CMP”, Journal of Electrochemical Society., Vol. 153, (5), G372, (2006)
- Jessica Weber, A. Kumar, Ashok Kumar, S. Bhansali, “Novel Lactate and pH Biosensor for Skin and Sweat Analysis based on Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical: 117(1), 308-313 (2006)
- Puneet Khanna, Aljandro Vilagra, Sangchae Kim, Edward Seto, Mark Jaroszeski, Ashok Kumar, and Shekhar Bhansali, “Use of Nanocrystalline Diamond for Microfluidic Lab-on-a-chip,” Diamond and Related Materials, 15, 2073-2077, (2006)
- Ashok Kumar, Sriraj G Manavalan, Venkataramanan Gurumurthy, Sathyaharish Jeedigunta, and Tomas Weller “Dielectric and Structural Properties of Pulsed Laser Deposited and Sputtered Barium Strontium Titanate Thin Films”, Material Science and Engineering B, 139, 177-185 (2007)
- Sathyaharish Jeedigunta, Manoj K. Singh, Ashok Kumar and M. Shamsuzzoha “Optical Properties of Zigzag Twinned Geometry of Zn2SnO4 Nanowires”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 7, No.2, 486-489 (4) Feb (2007)
- Zhenqing Xu, Sathyaharish Jeedigunta and Ashok Kumar, “A Study of Polyaniline Deposited Nanocrystalline Diamond Films for Glucose Detection” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 7, 2092-095 (2007)
- Jorge C. Lallave, Muhammad M. Rahman, and Ashok Kumar, “Numerical Analysis of Heat Transfer on a Rotating Disc Surface under Confined Liquid Jet Impingement” International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 28, pp. 720-734 (2007)
- M. Hirai and Ashok Kumar “Optical Properties and Microstructure of Silver-Copper Nanoparticles Synthesized by Pulsed Laser Deposition”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 36, No. 2, 1574-1578 (2007)
- Ashok Kumar and Shree R. Singh, “Nanomedicine – the Future of Human Medical Sciences”20-21, Sciences@ASU, Issue 2, Fall (2007)
- M. Hirai and Ashok Kumar “Effect of Nitrogen Doping on Bonding State of ZnO Thin Films”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A Volume 25, Issue 6, pp 1534-1538 (2007)
- Michael Jurczyk, Ashok Kumar, S. Srinivasan and E. Stefanakos “Polyaniline Based Nanocomposite Materials for Hydrogen Storage” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 32, pp 1010-1015 (2007)
- Subrahmanya R. Mudhivarti, Cecil Coutinho, Ashok Kumar and Vinay K. Gupta, "Novel Abrasive Particles for Oxide CMP Applications", Electrochemical Society Transactions, 3, 41, 9-19 (2007)
- Muhammad M. Rahman, Jorge C. Lallave, and Ashok Kumar, Heat Transfer from a Spinning Disk during Semi-Confined Axial Impingement from a Rotating Nozzle“ International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51, pp. 4400-4414 (2008)
- Sathyaharish Jeedigunta, Priscila Spagnol, John Bumgarner, and Ashok Kumar, “Electrical Contacts to Nitrogen Incorporated Nanocrystalline Diamond Films, Diamond and Related Materials, 17, 2037-2040 (2008)
- Venkataramanan Gurumurthy, Sathyaharish Jeedigunta, Sam Baylis, Ashok Kumar, and Thomas Weller, “Structural and Electrical Properties of Nanocrystalline Diamond based Barium Strontium Titanate Varactors” International Journal of Ferroelectrics, Volume 377, Issue 1, pp 75-78, (2008)
- Veera Raghava Kakireddy, Raghu Mudhivarthi, and Ashok Kumar, “Effect of Temperature on Copper Damascene Chemical Mechanical Polishing Process” J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol.26, Issue 1, pp 141-150 (2008)
- Cecil Coutinho, Subrahmanya R. Mudhivarti, Vinay K. Gupta and Ashok Kumar, “Synthesis and Characterization of Inorganic-Organic Microcomposites for Next Generation Chemical Mechanical Planarization”, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 225, pp 3090-3096 (2008)
- R. K. Joshi, M. Yoshimura, K. Tanaka K. Ueda, Ashok Kumar and N. Ramgir “Synthesis of Vertically Aligned Pd2Si Nanowires in Microwave Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition System”, Journal Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 112(36), pp.1857, Sept. (2008)
- Ashok Kumar, Sathyaharish Jeedigunta, I. Tarasov, and S. Ostapenko, “Photoluminescence Studies of Epitaxial ZnO Thin Films on Si(100) Substrates by Pulsed Laser Deposition” Adv. In Tech. of Mat. And Mat, Vol. 10 [2], pp 95-100 (2008)
- Sathyaharish Jeedigunta, Zhenqing Xu, Makoto Hirai, Priscila Spagnol, and Ashok Kumar, “Effects of Plasma Treatment on the Nitrogen Incorporated Nanocrystalline Diamond Films”, Diamond and Related Materials, 17, 1994-1997 (2008)
- R. K. Joshi, M. Yoshimura, K. Tanaka K. Ueda, and Ashok Kumar, and N. Ramgir “Synthesis of Vertically Aligned Pd2Si Nanowires in Microwave Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition System, Journal Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 112, pp. 13901, (2008)
- J. Weber, S. Jeedigunta, Ashok Kumar, "Fabrication and Characterization of ZnO Nanowire Arrays with an Investigation into Electrochemical Sensing Capabilities", Journal of Nanomaterials, Volume 2008, Article ID 638523, 5 pages (2008)
- Andrew W Vittetoe, Michael U. Niemann, Sesha S Srinivasan, Kimberly McGrath, Ashok Kumar, D. Yogi Goswami, Elias K Stefanakos, and Sylvia Thomas “ Destabilization of LiAlH4 by Nanocrystalline MgH2” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 34, Issue 5, pp 2333-2339 (2009)
- Puneet Khanna, Niraj Ramachandran, Jie Yang, Jing Wang, Ashok Kumar, Mark Jaroszeski and Shekhar Bhansali “Nanocrystalline Diamond Microspikes Increase the Efficiency of Ultrasonic Cell Lysis in a Microfluidic Lab-on-a-Chip” Diamond and Related Materials, 18, pp 606-610 (2009)
- Michael U Jurczyk, Sesha S. Srinivasan, Ashok Kumar, Elias K. Stefanakos , Yogi D. Goswami, and Kimberley McGrath, “Processing Analysis of the Ternary LiNH2-MgH2-LiBH4 System for Hydrogen Storage”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34, pp 8086-8093 (2009)
- Michael Jurczyk, Sesha Srinivasan, Ayala Phani, Ashok Kumar, Yogi Goswami, Lee Stefanakos, “Room Temperature Reversible Hydrogen Storage in Polyaniline Nanofibers, J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Volume 9, Number 8, pp 4561-4565 (2009)
- C. L. Frewin, M. Jaroszeski, E. Weeber, K. E. Muffly, Ashok Kumar, M. Peters, A. Oliveros, and S. E. Saddow, “Atomic Force Microscopy Analysis of Central Nervous System Cell Morphology on Silicon Carbide and Diamond Substrates” Journal of Mol. Recognit, 22, pp 380-388 (2009)
- X. Zhang, H. Wang, Q. Huang, Ashok Kumar, and J. Zhai, “Statistical and Experimental Analysis of Correlated Time-varying Process Variables for Condition Diagnosis in Chemical-Mechanical Planarization.” IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Vol. 22 (3), pp. 512-521 (2009)
- H. Wang, X. Zhang, Ashok Kumar, Q. Huang, 2008, “Nonlinear Dynamics Modeling of Correlated Functional Process Variables for Condition Monitoring in Chemical-Mechanical Planarization”, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Vol. 22 pp. 188-195 (2009)
- Humberto Gomez, Ashok Kumar and Sathyaharish Jeedigunta, “Structure-property Relationship of Nanocrystalline Diamond Films and its Applications, “International Journal of Nanomanufacturing, Volume 4, Number 1-4, pp 317-325 (2009)
- D. Kitenge, R. K. Joshi, M. Hirai and Ashok Kumar, “Nanostructured Silver Films for Surface Plasmon Resonance-Based Gas Sensors” IEEE Sensors Journal, pp1797-1801, (2009)
- R. K. Joshi Q. Hu, F. Alvi, N. Joshi and Ashok Kumar, “Au Decorated ZnO Nanowires for CO sensors” Journal of Physical Chemistry C- Vol. 113, pp 16199, (2009)
- R. K. Joshi S. Krishnan, M.Yoshimura and Ashok Kumar, “Pd Nanoparticles and Thin Films for Hydrogen Sensor” Nanoscale Research Letters, Vol. 4, pp.1191-1196, (2009)
- Q. Hu, M. Hirai, R. K. Joshi, and Ashok Kumar, “Structural and Electrical Characteristics of Nitrogen-doped Nanocystalline Diamond Films Prepared by CVD” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 42, pp. 025301, (2009)
- 92. R. K. Joshi J. Weber, Q. Hu, B. Johnson, J. W. Zimmer and Ashok Kumar, “Carbon Monoxide Sensing at Room Temperature via Electron Donation to Boron Doped Diamond” Sensors & Actuators B: Chem- Vol.145 , pp. 527-532 , (2010)
- R. K. Joshi H. Gomez, F. Alvi, and Ashok Kumar, “Graphene Films and Ribbons for Sensing of O2, and 100 ppm of CO and NO2 in Practical Conditions” Journal of Physical Chemistry C- Vol. 114, pp 6610 (2010).
- R. K. Joshi, L. West, Amrita Kumar N. Joshi, S. Alwarappan and Ashok Kumar “Production of semiconducting Au-DNA Nanowires by Application of DC-Bias,” Nanotechnology, Vol. 21, pp. 185604, (2010)
- Lisa B. Whitenack, Daniel C Simkins Jr., Philip J Mota, Makoto Hirai, and Ashok Kumar, “Young’s Modulus and Hardness of Shark Tooth Biomaterials” Archives of Oral Biology, Vol. 55, pp 203-209 (2010)